Sunday, 3 February 2013


As expected, I didn't update my blog for about a month :P oops? Well, it's not entirely my fault. I really wanted to write a new post but my internet connection's being a real bitch and my 5 years old Lenovo desktop really sucks.The other reason is because I've been quite busy lately. By day, I work in a hell hole - my mom's office (filled with dust, spider webs, cockroaches and ANNOYING BLOOD SUCKERS) and by night, I'm a maid at home, doing mundane house chores till 9pm /10pm. At the end of the day, I'll spend my time chatting with friends, browsing 9gag or tumblr and trying to finish 50 shades trilogy (still not done yet! Ugh.. I'm such a slow reader). And the cycle goes on and on and on. What a pathetic life, the worse thing is I don't get a single cent for doing all these things which I don't like at all, just because my parents (people who made me work) fed me, paid my school fees and bought clothes for me. FML.

Anyways, bought my very first laptop for college. It's call ASUS Zenbook UX32VD. It is almost as thin as Macbook air but slightly heavier because it has bigger screen I suppose. It's been working pretty well and the performance is well obviously MUCH better than my desktop I've been using. The few things I'm not very satisfied with this laptop is the matte screen (sort of lower down the screen resolution), the occasionally noisy fan spinning noise and the design (kinda looks like frying pan :/ ) Thank god for this laptop, I can now blog with better connection. :)

I guess that's all for today. I shall continue watching Fellowship of Ring. Wheee.. I didn't understand a single thing when I first watched it. Can't blame me for that right? I was a dumb kid and my England was very powderful. :D

Picture of the day:
Cute lil' Quoka :)

Song of the day:
Pursuit of Happiness - Meg & Dia Frampton

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Very First Post

Why hello there blog. As you can see from the title, this is my very first time blogging. Never really thought blogging was my thing until some of my close friends started writing and I just couldn't resist. Writing a wall of text seems fun lately, I'm not sure why. Anyways, I was just listing out a few logical reasons why i want to blog:

1) I'm having 2 months holiday now, that means I'll be spending most of the time in front of my computer instead of interacting with people. For those readers who don't know me at all  (I doubt anyone will actually read this boring blog), I LOVE ranting and expressing my thoughts (hence the title "Rants and Thoughts"). And by thoughts I mean like REALLY random thoughts that pops up in my mind, eg: my butt itches, she's got some really perky boobs and many more random weird stuff. I'm surprise my friends are completely fine with it. :P However, I can't do these things for three months because I won't be meeting my friends very often.So typing out my thoughts in this quiet little space seems perfect to me.

2) 3 months of holiday at home, the only people I'll meet for more than 7 hours a day will be my family members. Some of you may think, family members are people too, why not share your thoughts with them? My family members are definitely not the kind of people whom I'll share my thoughts with. I know this is weird but they are not particularly good listeners and they always give negative judgement. Sharing my thoughts with them will only make me feel crappier, so what's the point? 

3) My boyfriend is the only person I feel comfortable talking about weird stuff with. But he's in Japan at the moment :( Haven't seen him for seven days.It's only been seven days and I'm going crazy. D: I miss him like nuts. I just think about him every single second of my life and I can't get him out of my head. Isn't that creepy? Well at least we've been chatting on Line for the past 6 days but I want to see his cute awkward face. The worse thing is he just moved to a new hotel that doesn't have wifi, so yeah... no chatting for the next three/four days. Sigh.. Oh wells I guess that's what makes people appreciate their partner more. THE LORD IS TESTING ME... 

4) To whoever who's reading this, you can see that I'm NOT good at writing at all, so blogging is sort of a way to improve my writing. I have got to pick up quick before I go to Aussie or I wont be able to survive there. :S

I can't think of more reasons now. I had quite a lot in mind just now but it just leaked out "like nobody's business" (my friend's favourite phrase, which is now my fav phrase :D) I have a feeling I'll regret writing this blog, future me is definitely going to judge present me and say: "Damn! Past me was such a whine-y bitchy dumb teenager" Well, dear future me, EFF YOU! don't judge me, you were once me. 

Picture of the day would be:
 thoughts forced out from my head

Song of the day:
Lonely Boy - The Black Keys